Advantages of Sisal Rugs

Sisal Rugs are very decorative, but in touch, it is not nearly as pleasant. These rugs mostly use in dining rooms and living rooms where you typically are not barefoot or lying on it. Or in stairs and entryways where there is a lot of foot traffic. It is incredibly durable, holds up well over time, and cleans up rather nicely. Sisal Rugs are made out of fibres extracted from the leaves of the agave plant that is a form of cactus. This material is made worldwide, mostly in South America, China, Belgium, South Africa, and Mexico. The high-quality sisal is produced in Belgium, but it is also the most expensive. Other natural fibres that are sometimes categorized with sisals are abaca, jute, seagrass, and coir. Advantages of Sisal Rugs 100% biodegradable and natural Made from infinitely refill resources Highly durable Antibacterial and Non-toxic Sisal is anti-static that means its natural fibres help control humidity Contains tannins...