What is the difference between jute rugs and sisal rugs?

Sisal Rugs Sisal Rugs are extracted from the leaves fibres of the Succulent plant named Agave Sisalana. The central cultivation area of this plant is in the countries like Brazil, China, Kenya, Cuba, Madagascar, Haiti, and Mexico. Earlier, it was recognised native to Mexico only. However, now we can observe its successful farming in various parts of the world. The plant of Sisal fibre is capable of enduring vigorously hot climates accompanied by rare storms. So, we can believe in the flexible nature of Agave. To make the Sisal rugs, its leaves are crushed and cut to get stiff and healthy fibre – it is later spun and converted into Sisal floor rugs. Jute Rugs If you look for the original plant of Jute, its origin is opposite to that of Sisal. Jute, also famous as Golden Fibre, is derived from the Corchorus plant. It is a spindly, tall, and flowering plant. Though it will also grow well in a warm climate, it requires frequent rainfall and humidity. We can say that it produces bett...